miriac® CPC8548 (EOL)

Low power dissipation and high performance SBC
  • 3U cPCI CPU Carrier Board
  • MPC8548 with e500 Power PC Core
  • Double-precision floating point APU
  • Extended Temperature Range (option)

Due to its low power dissipation and high performance the CPC8548 is a good alternative to x86-based products. The cPCI miriac® SBC has an auto slot 1 detection and supports hot swapping. The frontside offers two Gigabit Ethernet ports and a RS232 port. Internally there is a CompactFlash slot available.

Processor MPC8548 with e500 Power PC Core
512 kB L2Cache
Double-precision floating point APU
3065 MIPS@1333 MHz (estimated Dhrystone 2.1)
DRAM up to 1 GB DDR II SDRAM (with ECC)
Flash up to 32 MB Flash
Operating Condition
Power Supply Voltage Single 3,3 V
Temperature Standard Temperature Range 0 °C to 70 °C
Extended Temperature Range (option)
Formfactor 3U cPCI CPU Carrier Board
Software / Additional
Software Support VxWorks, Linux, OS-9

Our standard product versions offer what we consider to be the optimum configuration in terms of performance, price, usage and TDP. The product features lists specify the maximum range of functions per interface. However, not all interfaces or functions are always available in parallel. Flexible SERDES multiplexing is one of the reasons for this. In addition, we provide multiple memory expansion options and are also happy to accommodate specific customer wishes. So do not hesitate to contact us directly to discuss your desired configuration.